
Bulk SMS for Text-Back Notifications Zoom Webinar

Text Back Notifications

Join us and register for our Free Entry Zoom Webinar to discuss the red hot topic of the month SMS Text-Back Notifications for UK Taxi operators.  We will be covering the Mobile Operators FUP implications, and how to maintain high standards of service!

When: Nov 2, 2021 02:00 PM London
Topic: M2M Bulk SMS for Text-Back Notifications

Register in advance for this webinar:

UK Mobile Networks can now manage and implement the FUP (Fair Usage Policy) on SIMS used for Text-Back Notifications. What are the alternatives for Taxi Operators?

1) What is a FUP (Fair Usage Policy) and why does this affect me?
2) How are you communicating with your customers right now?
3) If you were to subscribe to this service what other features would add value to your business?

Richard Clayton the founder of M2M Bulk SMS powered by M2M Data Connect Ltd, will be your host. This webinar provides you with solutions, a demo and Q&A.
As a result, you’ll be able to deal with this mission-critical issue, that’s happening right now!

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